Friday, September 5, 2008

Crimson Views

What better way is there to celebrate the beginning of Spring, the emerging of hibernators, the end of a dark and dreary grey of winter, other than by packing a few things and heading out somewhere beautiful with a bunch of good friends. We found this amazing spot in Hermanus to stay – packed our bags for a 4-day weekend! We relaxed, we braai'ed, we drank, we laughed... Now that’s what I’m talking about!! The place we went to is called Crimson Views and from my photo you can totally see why!!

Our timing was perfect! There were 120 whales visiting Hermanus the weekend we were there. 120! I mean I’ve lived around the coast for many years and while I always love to stop and watch the southern right whales playing in the waves whenever they visit the Southern African coast, I suppose I kind of get used to them being there. But 120! That has to be the most I have heard of visiting Hermanus in one go.

This picture wasn't taken in Hermanus. It's taken off Glencairn (Cape Town). But look how close to shore these enormous whales come in. Ok, so as you can see, my photography skills (especially when it comes to mammals under the water!) are not great, but I’ll keep working on it.

Sooner or later, I am bound to get that great shot – hopefully a whale breaching. Now I’ve seen that before and that is truly astounding. You really get a sense of their size when they launch out of the water like that. Well I guess there are plenty more trips to the beach for me in the hopes of finding that good shot.

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