Monday, September 8, 2008

The catwalk really needs some attention

I was walking along the cat walk on Saturday, watching the whales playing in the bay (I am so very spoilt, I know!) I had to manoeuvre myself around the 'walkway closed' sign to actually get onto the catwalk. It did amuse me that there were so many people on there, walking over the broken slabs of concrete, taking a leisurely (if somewhat dodgy) walk.

The battering the coast has taken over the last few weeks in winter has certainly taken its toll on our beloved catwalk. Seems not to have put anyone off though - which is great.

And of course the fact that we can all just enjoy what is ours and decide for ourselves whether we want to risk the dangers of broken concrete is the exact opposite of what would happen in the nanny state I have just spent my last 4 years in. Which, I have to say is a really refreshing feeling!

When you're so used to being told what to do, where to do it and how to do it, it's kinda cool being back where you are actually allowed to think for yourself and make your own mistakes. And no one else is to blame for your stupidity, but you.

What a glorious, beautiful place to live!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow.... I had no idea the catwalk
looked like that... nature is taking back what's hers by the looks of it

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