Saturday, August 30, 2008

How much incentive do you really need??

I've been back from the UK for a few months now. It's good to be home (sweet home!). I have, however, slipped into permanent holiday mode which means too much eating and drinking and not nearly enough exercise.

A friend once told me that I am so lazy, that I'd rather run up a flight of stairs than walk, simply to not be walking up them anymore. Weird kind of logic, but true.

I've needed to get into an exercise regime, a pattern, something to get fit again. But I just couldn't find the right incentive. Until, that is, my brother started started talking about a big adventure. Climbing Kilimanjaro. In 5 months time.

WOW - how's that for an incentive to get fit? So, of course, I've set the wheels in motion, picked a date, talked some others into joining me, paid my deposit... all I need to do now is get fit!

I've signed up at the local gym (step 1) my mind is prepared for the adventure (step 2) I even have a holiday in Zanzibar tacked onto the end of all that work (as additional incentive, don't you know!) (step 3)

Exercise to follow.... tomorrow; I promise!

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