Friday, August 29, 2008

As long as I am learning....

I've always said that everyone who is alive on earth is here to learn. So as long as you are still around, you've got something more to discover. Once you know it all - well then it's tickets for you.

The mere fact that we're still alive tells me that we're just not done learning yet... And so on my mission of discovery, I'll share my insights with you and maby I'll learn something from you, too.

One thing is for certain though - not everyone tries to learn. Not everyone is so keen on discovery. Some people, it seems, just don't care to learn anything new.
Survival of the fittest?? Huh? Well there are too many people on this planet anyway!

As for cats?? Well they ruled the earth once - mine rules my home now... I guess the old phrase of 'treat 'em mean; keep 'em keen' still applies. Yes, Gizzy, I'll be right there...

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