Thursday, October 16, 2008


Every once in a while I come across a website or blog that I really like. I guess like most people, I enjoy looking at original works of art made by people who care about what they are putting up, rather than the sites full of flickering spam advertising and all that nonsense.

In particular I enjoy looking at photographs; to me, they portray different points of view, through different eyes. You will notice how differently people view the world when you look through their lens.

I am currently following a blog entitled Otherside of the World, where 2 photographers post (almost) corresponding images from opposite ends of the earth. This is a perfect example of how differently we interpret the world...

Updated regularly and full of beautiful photographs, I highly recommend you have a look at their website

Their most recent post (fairytale mushroom and other fun guys) is a great example!

1 comment:

Otherside of the world said...

Thank you very much! Lovely to read that someone is enjoying our blog on a regular basis. The compliment is appreciated most sincerely.
Groetjes uit Holland, Ruth

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