Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Einsey Weinsy Spider and all that rain...

While the rest of the country is loving the sunshine and warm weather Spring has brought them; Cape Town is still under water. How much rain is still going to fall out of the sky?? With beautiful, lush green plants and trees right outside my office window and with non-stop pouring rain, I feel like I have relocated to the jungle. Except there aren't any jungle monkeys. Some squirrels... but no monkeys.

Apparently Table Mountain managed some snow on Friday too, although there are enough forums arguing the point and not nearly enough photos to convince everyone... Either way... where is Spring and (more importantly!) where is Summer?

Not only am I bored and wanting to go play outside, but the other thing all this rain has brought in, is spiders. Horrible, too-many legged spiders! My colleague has been bitten on her leg and had ended up with Cellulitus. Yuck! The problem is, she doesn't know where (at home or in the office) she's been bitten. So it's very possible that we have a rogue (and very poisonous, according to her doctor) spider dining on our legs as we sit here staring at the damn rain.

I've decided a Spring clean (excuse the crappy pun) is in order. Bugs, you have until this afternoon to move back out to the rain forest you came from, otherwise you can face the fumigator!!

Man... I can feel the little buggers all over... blagh!

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